Identification of gte mathematical model by test data

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-19


Ezrokhi Y. A.*, Kalenskii S. M.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



One of the important tools applied at all stages of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) life cycle is the mathematical modelling of GTE operation. Such the engine mathematical model (EMM) allows to calculation of its altitude-velocity and throttle performances to form the initial data for gas dynamic calculations and designing of GTE units, for control system design, for planning of various kinds of tests, carrying out of GTE diagnosis and also decisions of other problems arising during the GTE creation and operation.

Efficiency EMM at various stages of the engine creation depends on adequacy of the modelling to its real operation. In this connection increase of accuracy EММ is rather important problem on which decision the expediency and productivity of application EММ in the practice substantially depends.

The problem of ЕMM accuracy and adequacy increase can be resolved during some stages.

At the first stage the initial aprioristic EMM was analyzed by audit of basic equations, inequalities, logic conditions, and also approximating dependences about conformity to those physical processes for which they were got.

So, in particular, at this stage correctness of use in EMM the thermodynamic equations applied to enthalpy and temperature of a working medium and it thermo physical properties, approximating dependences for the unit performance (received in advance by means of independent tests or calculations) from the viewpoint of their interpolation and extrapolation from area of their preliminary settlement-experimental definition is checked.

Besides, correctness of the continuity equation on an engine flowing path (taking into account possible selections, leaks and supplies of a working medium), conservation of energy and an impulse, and also the laws of engine control (taking into account accuracy of regulation and limitations), defining fuel flow into the combustion chamber, position of the compressors guide vanes and jet nozzle door (if these elements are changed from a one mode to other) is checked.

Generally the method of EММ identification with the engine tests results is reduced to a finding of certain number of correction factors to conditionally constant EMM parameters (to units performance, the sections of a flowing path area values, values of selections and leaks of a working medium and another), capable of the least divergence of the settlement and experimental results.


the mathematical model, the identification of mathematical model, verification and validation, the digital analogue of the physical object, the gas turbine engine, experimental data, the correction factors, the identified mathematical model


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