The use of a multifunctional aircraft indicator simulator in the educational process of the university

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-123-20


Knyazev A. S.1*, Antonenko A. S.2**, Arbuzov E. D.1***, Chebotaryov A. D.1****

1. Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, 135, Dzerzhinskiy str., Krasnodar, 350090, Russia
2. Kompani «3V-services», Moscow, Russia



The experience of education program mastering by the students of aviation universities reveals that constant contact, physical or visual, with aviation engineering is necessary for apprehending the operation principles of the aircraft aggregates and systems. In some cases, training becomes extremely difficult or ineffective until the aggregates and systems being described are shown in operation, in progress. The educational material presentation employing posters or slides with diagrams, graphs and static images does not allow the students to form an understanding and perception of the material being presented to the full.

The cockpits of modern aircraft are equipped with multifunctional indicators (MFI), through which the crew interacts with the onboard complex. Working with the MFI prior to the flight allows making a flight route, enter the targets coordinates, landmarks, and radio beacons. Application of the MFI in flight allows the crew to solve the tasks of piloting, navigation and combat employment, providing the necessary information for this. In this regard, it is necessary to pay more attention to learning how to work with multifunctional indicators when mastering modern types of aircraft.

The best way to learn is training on real technical facilities. An alternative option consists in employing aviation simulators. However, they are rather expensive and require qualified maintenance. Besides, their placement requires a separate area in specially equipped premises with electric power and/or hydraulic power installations, as well as other necessary equipment.

The article considers the issue of obviousness and effectiveness increase of cadet-pilots training by employing separate cockpit element simulator in the educational process, namely multifunctional indicator, which allows cadets to choose necessary practical skills for working with the onboard equipment complex.

To introduce the MFI simulator into the educational process, information frames of the central information system (CIS) of the DA-42T aircraft were reproduced. The content of the developed CIS frames on the MFI simulator reproduces completely the indication in the DA-42T aircraft, contributing to the training quality improving and developing practical skills for working with CIS through the MFI in a real object (DA-42T aircraft). The obtained results of the work can be employed further to develop simulators of multifunctional indicators for other aircraft types.


training simulator, multifunctional indicator, SimInTech, X-Plane


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