Assessment of stability of the root link of the manipulator under the action of axial load on it

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-124-01


Fedorova L. A.*, Sofin A. P.*, Gorshkov L. K.*, Uhanov I. G.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The development of space manipulation systems is directly related with obvious expansion of the possible range of work and operations that can be carried out in difficult and dangerous conditions with technical orbital objects and equipment installed on them. By now, the main construction option used has developed — a hinge-type manipulation system of different degrees of complexity.

Modern manipulators must be carried out with condition of maintaining stability of elements. Taking into account the priority of influence of the root link on stability of the manipulator as a whole, it is proposed to investigate the equilibrium positions of the rod for stability at a range of deviations π < φ < π. Criterion of stability of equilibrium position for systems with holonomic and stationary constraints located in conservative force field is determined by Lagrange-Dirichlet theorem: According to the theorem equilibrium positions of a conservative system in which its potential energy has minimum are stable. The results of the study of stability by taking into account angle of inclination of the link are determined by the dependence between the angle of inclination φ and the dimensionless force λ. The formation of the real appearance of a service multi-link manipulator for use in space conditions should be carried out on the basis of taking into account functional tasks and the available database on specifics of creation and use of existing devices. The studies carried out to date indicate that, along with geometric interpretation, which provides an assessment of the initial structure and approximate dimensions of the manipulator elements, it is necessary to analyze the operational loads that determine stability of circuit elements. Obviously, the actual dimensions of the manipulators will be determined by motion parameters (for example, angle of rotation) of hinge elements. The calculations performed show that to a large extent the condition and, consequently, the operability of the root link are determined by the axial load. The proposed studies allow us to assess the danger of such a load and give recommendations on the design of the manipulator, taking into account the properties of the elastic hinge and the size of the links. This will prevent monotonous departure from the considered equilibrium positions or fluctuations increasing in scope over time.


robot, manipulator, stability, link, energy, inclination, construction


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