Calculation of hydrodynamic characteristics for bench systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-124-10


Sanchugov V. I.*, Rekadze P. D.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The problem of article is the developing the V.P. Shorin’s load variation method for solving the problem of determining the own dynamic characteristics of a hydraulic pump as a vibrations source of the working medium. The method consists in calculating the pumps dynamic characteristics (considered by models of equivalent oscillation sources) while changing the bench systems behind the pump, registering pressure pulsations and converting into the own pump characteristics by V.P. Shorin’s models of equivalent oscillation sources. In known works, dynamic models of bench systems, as a rule, are idealized, either do not take into account all the elements of bench systems, or implement a limited set of bench systems (such as «acoustically open end», «acoustically closed end», etc.). While calculating the dynamic characteristics of bench systems, we propose to use information about the design and geometric dimensions of the systems flow part. The article summarizes the main aspects of calculating the bench systems dynamic characteristics, their hydrodynamic schemes describing the influence of both cavities, throttles and main lines, and connecting fittings, adapters and the units’ internal channels are presented. The work aims to create special bench systems with known dynamic characteristics in order to solve the problem of determining the own dynamic characteristics of a hydraulic pump. The developed models of bench systems with a throttle, a cavity, a «short» and an extended pipeline at the pump outlet, when used in the load variation method, will make it possible to calculate the pulsating state of the working medium behind the hydraulic pump both in the hydraulic systems of machine tools and in the fuel systems of a gas turbine engine at the early stages of design. The results of the work can be important for engineers and designers of hydraulic systems, because they contain specific formulas and recommendations on how to use them.


pump, dynamic characteristics, pulsations, impedance, bench system


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