Method of calculating influence of frequency scanning interference on reliability of signal reception with QPSK modulation

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-124-13


Zvonarev V. V.*, Vitaly V. **, Popov A. S.***

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



To accurately assess the channel resource and determine the maximum signal attenuation in a complex electromagnetic environment, the article describes a technique that allows calculating the probabilistic-temporal characteristics of a radio channel with high accuracy and reliable forecasting. As the main characteristics of a radio channel in a complex electromagnetic environment, the article considers the probabilities of bit and character errors affecting the reliability of signal reception.

The article presents a mathematically correct method for calculating the probabilities of symbolic and bit errors of coherent optimal character-by-character reception of a radio signal with QPSK modulation in the presence of interference with linear frequency modulation inside the symbol.

The basis of the technique is the representation of a four-dimensional probability measure of the vector of output voltages of the correlation channels of the receiving device in the space of the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of this vector. The results of the article are necessary to calculate the influence of interference in a connected radio channel, when finding the probabilities of symbolic and bit errors. The calculation method is integrated into the energy calculation algorithm of the transmission channel in the presence of interference with LFM modulation.

The developed technique of the influence of frequency-scanning interference on the reliability of receiving a signal with QPSK modulation makes it possible to accurately determine the probability of symbolic and bit errors at given values of the level and deviation of the interference frequency.

The results obtained show that the curves of the average probabilities of symbolic and bit errors have a threshold character. The presence of interference with linear frequency modulation significantly degrades the quality of the communication channel, completely disrupting the reception of information at the values of the interference level when the interference level exceeds the signal level. The extension of the graphs to the region of zero signal value at zero and non-zero interference value shows that the average probability of a symbolic error is 0.75. In the same case, the probability of a bit error is 0.5.

It is determined that the phase-averaged interference probabilities of correct reception, and, consequently, errors in receiving signal positions in the presence of interference with LFM modulation, are the same, which allows the calculation of the transmission channel to be limited to using as an average the probability of receiving one signal position.


probability of symbol and bit errors, scanning by frequency of interference, four-position phase manipulation, noise immunity, reliability of signal reception


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