Compare of technology ADO.NET and SQLite for the development of LTCC structural-parametric description database

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-124-22


Sudarenko D. A.*, Kakadei M. S.**, Yazykov A. A.***

PJSC Radiofizika, Geroev Panfilovtsev street, 10, Moscow, 125480, Russia



The technology of low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) is considered. This technology provides an inexpensive solution in the mass production of electronic devices in the field of telecommunications, medicine, automotive technology, military equipment, aerospace and other industries.

In the process of implementing LTCC technology, difficulties were identified associated with the influence of a large number of parameters depending on the components used, the time of use and configuration of equipment at each stage of production on the quality of products.

The parameters of technological operations (TO) are highlighted, grouping is made according to the characteristics of parameters: resource, process, result, control and management.

In real life, there is no system that would collect all of the above parameters together, compare them and give recommendations for improving quality.

In this paper, a method for creating, describing and modeling parameters in the form of information support based on a structural parametric description (SPO) according to regulatory documentation is proposed to improve the quality of production of microwave components.

Based on this classification, workplace models are built, and the data is aggregated into the MS Access database management System (DBMS).

Since Access has a number of disadvantages and is not, in fact, a full-fledged database, technologies were considered as a DBMS ADO.NET from Microsoft (the Sharp C language framework) and the Qt SQLite framework (in C++).

ADO.NET manages both internal data (created in computer memory and used inside the application), and external, located outside the application — for example, in a database or text files.

The Qt framework contains a universal interface for working with various databases. Databases in the Qt view are drivers for the QtSql module. By default, when installing the framework, the SQLite database is available, for the rest of the databases, installation and assembly of drivers for Qt is required.

A comparative analysis of these databases has been carried out, on the basis of which it can be assumed that the SQLite DBMS is suitable for prototyping at the initial stage and cross-platform applications, and the DBMS ADO.NET it is more complex, but more promising in terms of commercial use.


low-temperature co-fired ceramics, MS Access, ADO.NET technology, SQLite technology, structural-parametric description, database management system


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