Theoretical study of hydrogen degradation processes of drop impact erosion of structural materials

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-10


Sha M. 1*, Sun Y. 2**

1. Northwestern Polytechnical University, 710072, 127, West Youyi Road, Beilin District, Xi'an Shaanxi, P.R.China
2. Hangzhou Xiaoshan Technician College, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hangzhou City, 311200, People’s Republic of China



The unique physical and chemical properties of hydrogen and its practically unlimited resources on our planet in the composition of water make it possible to rely on hydrogen energy systems in the development of energy [1,2]. Industrial products, components and assemblies, structural elements, as a rule, operate in aggressive hydrogen-containing media (corrosive, erosive). Rain erosion damage, caused by repeated droplet impact on wind turbine blades, is a major cause for concern, even more so at offshore locations with larger blades and higher tip speeds. Hydrogen, penetrating into the metal of the product and being absorbed in it, changes the chemical composition, structure, and also redistributes the fields of internal stresses. These processes, generalized by the term «degradatio», prepare and stimulate the development of microdiscontinuities of various scales.

At the moment, despite intensive research, hydrogen degradation is still an unsolved problem of metal physics, theoretical and practical materials science. It is known that the maximum destructive effect of hydrogen is observed when hydrogen has maximum diffusion mobility and activity, that is, at the stage of unsteady diffusion. Moreover, as the author notes, destruction under the influence of diffusion-mobile hydrogen is little predictable and most dangerous due to the high diffusion mobility of hydrogen and the ability to redistribute under the influence of various physical fields, and there is also uncertainty about the magnitude of the critical concentration of hydrogen in the destruction zone. Since during the electrification of the working fluid, the surface of the working blades is exposed to electrophysical phenomena, conditions appear for increasing the absorption of hydrogen by metal, including in a diffusion-mobile form. These conclusions about the significant impact on the damage to the blades of the flood are consistent with the conclusions. Based on the above qualitative assessments of the process of the impact of a stream of wet steam with charged droplets on the blade material, it is obvious that the magnitude of the negative effect on electrical processes depends mainly on the magnitude of the ion current in the space of the flow part.


Construction, experiment, erosion, drops, modeling


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