Comparative analysis of the time delay of telecommunication equipment STP and SDN

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-13


Buzhin I. G.1*, Antonova V. M.2**, Mironov Y. B.1***, Antonova V. A.1****, Gaifutdinov E. A.1*****

1. Moscow Technical University of Communications And Informatics, 8a, Aviamotornaya Str., Moscow, 111024, Russia
2. ,



The article considers the architecture of software-defined networks, their principle of operation, as well as the protocols for the interaction of the controller with network devices. The main components of traditional networks are investigated, including a comparative analysis of the time delays of telecommunications equipment of traditional and software-defined networks. There are 4 types of delay in modern data transmission networks: packet processing delay, packet delay in the queue, packet transmission delay along the line, propagation delay. The operation of the spanning tree algorithm is considered, its main advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. A comparative analysis of traditional and software-defined communication networks is carried out, the features of building corporate networks based on the SDN concept are considered. A network model was built in the Mininet emulator, in which an analytical assessment of the time delays of the SDN telecommunications equipment was carried out. As a result of the experiment and comparison of the obtained data, two different approaches to the network response to topology changes can be evaluated. The experiment showed that the traditional approach to building networks is vulnerable to changing the network topology, which introduces certain network delays and is the reason for the decrease in network performance.


natural oscillation frequency, solar battery, dynamic circuit, spacecraft


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