Analysis of the direction pattern of a flat multi-element active phased array

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-17


Teplikova V. I.1, Sentsov A. A.2*, Nenashev V. A.2**, Polyakov V. B.2

1. JSC «Kotlin-Innovator», Saint Petersburg, Russia
2. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



The article presents a study of a technique for correcting distortions in the radiation pattern parameters caused by the mutual effect of radiators, on the example of a rectangular active phased antenna array with the following number of radiators: 64 in the azimuthal plane, and 8 in the elevation plane. The authors considered the dependence of the main characteristics of the directional diagram on the beam deflection while electron scanning and the change in the strength of the electromagnetic field during the cosine-square amplitude distribution forming on the pedestal. The nature of the dependencies is determined and a technique is proposed for controlling the distortions of the characteristics occurring while the beam deflection. This technique realization will allow correcting the directional pattern, having distortions due to the changes in mutual effect of radiators, obtaining the required characteristics of active phased antenna array, and implement operation modes, which require keeping the antenna array parameters unchanged.

The following initial data is necessary when developing an algorithm: the number of rays, minimum scanning step, and the beam setting accuracy. As long as the result of this algorithm realization represents a data array, it is necessary to pay special attention account for the minimum memory size required for the initial data storage for the algorithm.

This technique realization allows correcting parameters of the directional pattern, which contains distortions due to changes in the mutual effect of radiators, to obtain the required the APAA characteristics. Its application allows employing the radar operating modes, which require keeping the antenna array parameters unchanged.


radiation pattern, phased antenna array, distortion correction, modeling, multi-element antenna


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