Method of acoustic emission control of the contact interaction of rolling bearing elements when evaluating the correctness of the resource assembly of ball bearing supports as a tribological system of power gyroscopes rotors

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-126-08


Lebedev E. L., Repin A. O.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The autonomous functioning of the power gyroscopic complexes of small spacecraft does not allow maintenance during its operation. One of the most loaded elements of the power gyroscope are rolling bearings. Since the functioning of rolling bearings depends on the correctness of their assembly and the presence of lubrication, in order to ensure the autonomous functioning of the rotors of power gyroscopic systems, the technology of resource lubrication and resource assembly of the bearing assembly is used in their manufacture, which implies one-time lubrication and assembly (without the possibility of adjustment) for the entire life of the device.

The article presents the results of research on the use of a method for quality control of assembly of ball bearing bearings of power gyroscopic complexes operating in vacuum space by estimating the size of the bearing clearance by the parameters of acoustic emission signals.

The definition of the limiting state of the bearing supports of the rotors of power gyroscopic systems is given, by which it is necessary to understand the state when the friction losses of the bearing (taking into account the progressive heat release) will exceed the difference between the maximum torque generated by the electric motor of the rotor of the power gyroscope and the torque necessary to ensure the required angular velocity of the rotor flywheel, taking into account its moment of inertia.

It is proved that the main criterion for the correctness of the resource assembly of a ball bearing assembly is to ensure the correct contact interaction of its elements as a tribological system. At the same time, the main controlled parameters are the force that the bearing perceives after the rotor assembly, as well as the parameters of elastic deformation in the ball—ring bearing system.

A model of natural frequencies of elements of bearing supports of power gyroscopic systems has been developed taking into account their stress-strain state.

The dependence of the frequency of natural oscillations of the bearing ball on the force acting on the bearing after its assembly is proved. This dependence is of a power-law nature and can be used in the development of a new method of quality control of the resource assembly of bearing supports of power gyroscopes.


acoustic emission, radial clearance, moment of inertia, coefficient of friction, modulus of elasticity, stress, ball bearing


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