Method for experimental modeling of the effect of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on solar cells

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-126-09


Goncharov P. S.*, Kopeyka A. L.**, Babin A. M.

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The article presents a technique for experimental modeling of the impact of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on solar cells. The used laboratory-experimental base and the procedure for conducting tests are described. Relationships for calculating the coefficients of degradation of the electrical characteristics of solar cells are given.

The essence of the approach of experimental modeling of the effect of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on solar cells is to measure: the temperature field of a solar cell, the characteristics of the plasma flow, the electrical characteristics of solar cells before and after exposure to the plasma radiation of an electric rocket engine, and to calculate the degradation coefficients of solar cells.

It is advisable to use the obtained values of the degradation coefficients in the design of spacecraft solar arrays.

The presented technique makes it possible to determine the coefficients of degradation of the electrical characteristics of solar cells when exposed to plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine, as well as to carry out studies:

— on the influence of the effect of plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine on the electrical characteristics of solar cells, depending on the parameters and modes of operation of an electric rocket engine;

— on issues of increasing the energy efficiency of an electric rocket engine by using the energy of plasma radiation by returning it to the onboard network using photoelectric or thermal converters.

The multiplicative degradation coefficient determined in the course of tests allows one to perform an estimated calculation of the power generated by a solar cell after exposure to plasma radiation from an electric rocket engine.


radiation, plasma, electric rocket engine, solar cell, spacecraft, degradation factor


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