Algorithms for estimating the number of lunar asteroid detection tools with a vertical orientation of the sight axes

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-126-24


Minakov E. P.*, Aleksandrov M. A.*, Verbin A. V.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



Due to the peculiarities of the orbital movement of asteroids approaching the Earth, a significant proportion of them either in principle cannot be detected using existing monitoring tools located on the surface of the Earth, or detection can occur too late. The lack of influence of the atmosphere on optical observation means leads to the advantages of the location of asteroid detection means in space. In this article, a study is carried out on one of the possible ways of their stationary location — uniform distribution with regard to visibility zones on the surface of the moon.

An algorithm is proposed, which allows on the basis of initial data on the angle of solution and the maximum range of detection of dangerous space objects by lunar means. The zone of near and long-range explosive detection, as well as the zone of continuous multiple detection of asteroids, their description and illustrations are given. Computational experiments were carried out using the developed algorithm for estimating the number of means for detecting asteroids when placing on the entire surface of the Moon or its part, dependencies of the angular distance between the standing points and the angular dimensions of the visibility zones of the means for detecting asteroids on the maximum range of detecting asteroids were obtained.

In addition, an algorithm was developed and the number of means for detecting asteroids with vertical orientation of the sighting axes was estimated with the exception of a part of the Lunar Surface for their placement, due to the closure of the outer space region by the Earth («dead zone» of asteroid detection means), when placed on the entire surface of the Moon or its part, the dependence of the angular distance between the standing points and the angular dimensions of the visibility zones of the asteroid detection means on the maximum detection range of asteroids is also obtained.

The presented algorithms for estimating the angular distance between the points of standing on the surface of the Moon of the same type of asteroid detection means with vertical orientation of the sighting axes and their number for forming the asteroid detection line allow obtaining correct results and can be used for further research to determine the parameters of the asteroid detection line zones, reduce the number of asteroid detection means and estimate the probability of asteroid detection.


Moon, asteroid, asteroid detection means, scan zone, detection zone, asteroid detection boundary, spherical triangle


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