The Problems Habitability Manned Lunar Station

Space technologies


Strogonova L. В.1*, Stolyarchuk V. A.1**, Makarova S. M.1***, Vasin J. A.2

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Institute for Bio-Medical Problems of Russian Academy of Science, 76A, Horoshevskoye shosse, Moscow, 123007, Russia



This paper presents the authors pilot project of the collective of authors about habitability of manned lunar station, problems and methods of its solution.
Lunar base will be an extremely productive choice for future space efforts. Further exploration of the Moon is scientifically important; the Moon offers a stable and radio-quiet platform for astronomy and space physics, material resources are available for use in near-Earth space or on the Moon itself, the Earth-Moon operations offer the technological stimulus for interplanetary missions at lower cost with less risk. We face new standards of the Moon Base habitability and construction. It is the task with many unknowns.
From detailed investigation of the habitability problem we understand to all stages of so unique design. Case study of the habitability showed the next:
  • there is exist general reasonably sufficient understanding challenges on problem of habitability of the lunar base;
  • basic problem issues of lunar base habitability are not yet form to stage of disclosure of design objectives of the lunar base;
  • Alongside with preceding subject soundly was proven that LSS half-closed type. Basis of reclamation subsystems becomes the biological link of LSS with including in it the most secure physical and chemical LSS;
Summing up this report, it is worthy to note that only wrikle on substandard problem of manned lunar base will afford to formulate creations and costing methods relating to all stages of so unique design.


safety, life quality, lunar station habitability, life support system (LSS), medical control, exobiology


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  2. O’Keefe J.A Isostasy on the Moon. Science, 2000, vol. 162, Iss.3860, p. 1405.
  3. Strogonova L. Mathematics methods and equipment applied for medical and physiological control and support system for groups of people involved into extremely dangerous technological processes, ISTIC Scientific Advisory Committee, London, UK, 2003, pp. 106-130.

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