Selection of the rational composition of the radio information sensor group of a spatially distributed monitoring system

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-127-15


Kazantsev A. M.1*, Knysh M. V.2**, Makarov M. K.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia



In many application domains, group control problems arise under counteracting conditions. Examples are interaction processes of systems with conflicting and sometimes antagonistic target functions, such as a spatially distributed monitoring system (SDMS) and mobile airborne objects (MAO) penetrating into the system’s area of responsibility.

However, in practice the resource of the SDMS, which determines the space review capabilities, can be limited, including due to low efficiency of ground-based radio information sensors (RIS) in detecting moving air objects at low altitudes. The specified problem can be solved by inclusion into the SDMS of mobile airborne RIS and joint application of airborne and ground-based RIS under unified control.

Thus one of the most important tasks is the fullest realization of information possibilities of all RIS for the purpose of the maximum coverage of their working zones of airspace. The solution of this problem is possible at the expense of estimation of composition and forecasting of ways of actions and tactics of application of MAO with the purpose of definition of rational structure of heterogeneous grouping of RIS of SDMS.

In the article a new methodical approach to the choice of rational composition of heterogeneous grouping of RIS of SDMS is proposed. In a basis of the offered decision methods of the theory of dynamic graphs and methods of vector discrete optimization are put. Features of formation of variants of structure of grouping of RIS are considered. An algorithm is offered, allowing on the basis of the minimum set of attributes of the adversary to choose a rational composition of heterogeneous grouping of RIS in accordance with the hierarchy of links «attributes of the of the opposing side’s activity — stages of preparation for use of MAO — variants of use of MAO».


monitoring system, radio information sensors, rational composition, hierarchical graph, approximate solution, feature space


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