Algorithm for estimating the coordinates of the state of the helicopter in the onboard radar station

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-127-18


Gorbunov S. A.1, Nenashev V. A.2*, Mazhitov M. V.1, Khadur A. A.1

1. Military Academy of Aerospace Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov, 50, Zhigareva, Tver', 170000, Russia
2. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



Functions and application areas extension of helicopters determines the demand and relevance of the new algorithms developing for the state coordinates estimating in the air-based pulse-Doppler radar station, ensuring stable surveillance, which in its turn will positively reflect on the flight safety. Helicopter is a complex object under observation in terms of radar. Analysis of the existing algorithms for the state coordinates estimating revealed insufficient efficiency in a helicopter detecting and tracking at various kind of flying. Thus, there is an objective need to develop new estimation algorithms that account for the helicopter flight characteristics and ensure its stable observation. The authors propose employing mathematical apparatus on the optimal linear filtering theory as an approach to optimal algorithms obtaining for the helicopter state coordinates estimation. The purpose of the study consists in synthesizing an algorithm optimal by the root mean square error minimum for coordinates estimation of the helicopter absolute and relative motion in the onboard radar station at various kinds of its flight, including the hovering mode, based on the mathematical apparatus on the optimal linear filtering theory. As the result, the article presents the analysis of effectiveness of the said synthesized algorithm application. The specificity consists in two components application, namely estimation of Doppler frequency, stipulated by signal reflection from the fuselage, and Doppler frequency stipulated by the signal reflection from the rotating helicopter blades. The results of the study may be employed while the existing radar stations upgrading, or developing prospective ones based on the pulse-Doppler principle of signals processing.


helicopter, on-board radar station, state coordinate estimation algorithm, optimal estimation theory


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