A technique for increasing the stability of the nonlinear link with a delay for the self-oscillating accelerometer

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-127-22
*,Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
*e-mail: vka@mil.ru
The article presents the results of applying a scientific-methodological and circuit—engineering approach to the stability improving of acceleration measurements made by serial pendulum accelerometers, primarily micromechanical ones, as well as the results of studies on the stability increasing of the nonlinear link with lagging for the auto-oscillatory accelerometer. For the nonlinear link operation stability studying, its digital implementation was selected, allowing utterly high operation stability ensuring of the digital part namely. Besides the digital part, an analog comparator is employed in the nonlinear link, which ensures the several orders of magnitude worse operation stability than this of the quartz oscillator. The results of the comparator response time mean-square deviation are presented for the case of its operation in the normal configuration and for the case of application of the amplifier being recommended. The authors show that the additional amplifier implementation reduces the mean-square deviation value of the comparator response time. The study was being conducted by the comparator switching process modeling. Recommendations on the additional amplifier circuitry are given. The article presents specifics of electronic components allowing eliminating comparator in principal, as radio electronic component, form the circuit. The obtained results may be applied to the stability increasing of the accelerometer conversion coefficient and, as the result, determining more accurately parameters of the spacecraft orbit autonomously under conditions of disturbance factors of the outer space.
self-oscillations, accelerometer, periodic mode, acceleration measurement error, perturbation, sensors, comparator, speed, broadband, establishment timeReferences
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