The development of simulation model of channel with burst error arrays

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-12


Volkov A. S.

National Research University of Electronic Technology, 1, sq. Shokina, Moscow, Zelenograd, 124498, Russia



The article studied one of the most up-to-date problems in telecommunications associated with the burst-error channels. Thus, the model of a discrete channel in communication system under the burst-error arrays based on Gilbert model was developed. The burst error affects critically the received signal reliability under conditions of Gaussian noise and in some cases fully distorts the received signal. The purpose of the article consists in considering the main properties of the Gilbert channel and their impact on the data sequence transmitted through wireless communication channel under conditions of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN).

The valuation function of the main variables in Gilbert channel is the probability scheme N = ⟨P,Q,E⟩, which includes the purposive parameters being described by this model: P is a probability of a “good” channel state, Q is a probability of a “bad” state, while E stands for the probability of error in the “bad” channel state. Thus, the article proposes the adaptive generation algorithm of burst-error arrays according to the said parameters of the probability scheme.

Simulation model of the communication system by the Gilbert model and AWGN was developed. An extra block, allowing the code word  supplementing with zeroes was described for it. This backup block was introduced for the further studies with a view to additional energy gain.

One of the most important topics we touched upon is matrices interleaver and deinterleaver. In the end of the article, we adduce the simulation results with the advantage of about 3dB from this algorithm application. Besides, the burst-error correction procedure by the non-binary Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder with various schemes in the discrete communication channel is being considered.

Conclusion of the article gives the simulated method assessment with plots and comments on the bit errors probability dependence on the Es/N0, its disalignment range, as well as analysis of the matrix interleaver depth. A system communication model including the Gilbert channel in conjunction with the AWGN is proposed. This work allows assessing the effectiveness of solutions on the package error control under conditions of Gaussian noise.


discrete channel, burst-errors channel, Gilbert model, probability scheme, interleaver, error-correction codes, bit-error rate


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