Тhe method for determining the coordinates of ground objects by an unmanned aerial vehicle using a laser rangefinder

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-14


Korovin A. V.1*, Savin D. I.2**

1. Concern «Sozvezdie», Voronezh, Russia
2. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia

*e-mail: htotam2005@yandex.ru
**e-mail: denissawi@yandex.ru


The article proposes a method for the ground objects coordinates determining from an unmanned aerial vehicle, which allows increasing the accuracy of of the ground objects location determining. The aircraft is supposed to fly in a circle with the ground object observation until the achieved value of the spatial geometric factor is less than three. The accuracy increase occurs through the observation time increase for the object being explored, and accumulation of measured by the laser rangefinder ranges to it. The unmanned aerial vehicle absolute proper coordinates are assumed known in each moment of range measuring. Estimates of the carrier absolute coordinates were obtained with the navigation equipment of the global satellite navigation systems consumers. This approach will allow determining coordinates in hard-to-reach and impassable terrain with high accuracy when solving various tasks.

The unmanned aerial vehicle is being equipped with navigation equipment of global navigation satellite systems consumers being a source of navigation information. The carrier is also equipped with a laser rangefinder on a gyro-stabilized platform, which serves to determine distances to the ground-based object of interest. The coordinates of a ground-based object are being determined by the combined application of angle-rangefinder and integral rangefinder methods for coordinates determining. At the initial stages, the ground-based object coordinates are being estimated by the angle-rangefinder method with some insufficient accuracy. Further, accumulations of measurements and refinement of the coordinates of the ground-based object are performed by the integral rangefinder method.

The article presents the studies of the flight altitude, speed of an unmanned aerial vehicle and the accuracy of navigation equipment of consumers of global navigation satellite systems impact on the achieved accuracy of the obtained estimates of the coordinates of a ground-based reconnaissance object. Practical recommendations on the unmanned aerial vehicle piloting for achieving maximum accuracy of the coordinates of the ground-based object being explored are given based on the results of the studies. The issue on the necessary monitoring duration at various flight altitudes and the fly-by radius to achieve the best accuracy of coordinates assessment was studied as well.


integral rangefinder method, angle-rangefinder method, unmanned aerial vehicle, navigation accuracy, global navigation satellite system, laser rangefinder


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