Mechanical model of low-viscosity liquid sloshing with capillary effects

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-129-12
*, **, ***Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
The author derived a boundary condition considering energy dissipation near the three-phase contact line based on the Hamilton—Ostrogradsky principle. A numerical algorithm has been developed for calculating the damping factor due to energy dissipation near the three-phase contact line based on the finite element method. A variation formulation of the problem is derived from the of the motion equations linearization of the liquid relative to the equilibrium free surface. The area occupied by the fluid was discretized by the finite elements, and the eigenvalue problem, which solution represented a complex frequency, was obtained. In the work being presented, a pendulum and a spiral spring simulate the impact of mass forces and surface tension force respectfully, and the fluid viscosity is accounted for by the linear damper. The mechanical analog parameters are determined from the principle of dynamic similarity, eigen frequency, damping factor and kinetic energy of the fluid and its mechanical model. The article presents quantitative estimation of the capillary number Ca (viscous force and surface tension force interrelation), the Bond number B0 (mass forces and surface tension force interrelation) and the liquid filling factor β (liquid volume to the vessel concavity ratio) effect on the damping factor and eigen frequency of the capillary liquid oscillations. It follows from the studies that the capillarity number greatly affects the energy dissipation near the three-phase contact, and its value in the range of 10–100 leads to the greater value of the damping factor of the order of the damping coefficient on the vessel wall. The obtained results may be employed for the dynamics and stability studies of the rooster super stages, upper-stage rocketsand other spacecraft with the liquid containing cavities.
three-phase contact line, contact angle, low-viscosity fluid, complex frequency, mechanical model, finite element methodReferences
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