Methodology for calculating the noise immunity of incoherent reception of signals with binary relative phase manipulation with linearly frequency-manipulated interference

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-13


Zvonarev V. V.*, Pitrin A. V., Popov A. S.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



To ensure the stability of information transmission using a radio channel, the influence of noise and interference is of great importance. In systems with relative (differential) phase manipulation (OFM), the so-called «reverse operation» mode is excluded. These signals are not much inferior in noise immunity to phase-manipulated signals. In addition, incoherent reception (demodulation) is possible, which greatly simplifies the receiving device. The use of such signals and incoherent reception is preferable in cases where the phase of the carrier oscillation changes dynamically and / or randomly and tracking it is difficult, especially in the presence of structural interference of various types. To calculate the probabilities of bit errors, we determine the models of the radio signal and interference. We derive formulas for calculating the average probabilities of bit errors of incoherent reception of a radio signal from OFM-2 in the presence of linearly frequency-manipulated interference. The conclusion of the final formula for calculating the average probability of a bit error with a priori equal probability of information symbols is a half-sum of the probabilities of receiving the first (S1) and second (S2) bits. The graph of the dependence of the probability of a bit error on the signal-to-noise ratio at fixed values of frequency deviation and interference levels shows at what level the signal is provided with the required values of the probability of a bit error.

The graph of the dependence of the probability of a bit error on the magnitude of the frequency deviation is symmetrical with respect to its zero value. The curve in each direction has a wave-like appearance with decreasing minimum and maximum extreme values. Analyzing the obtained graphs, it can be noted that for certain, well-defined values of frequency deviation, the influence of interference with the LFM is minimal, and the less this influence is, the lower the level of interference. On the other hand, for some values of frequency deviation, the interference effect in the bit error probability metric is 3-4 orders of magnitude higher than the minimum values. The presence of interference leads to a dependence of the probability of a bit error on the value of the initial phases of both the signal and the interference, even in conditions of incoherent reception. To obtain a phase-averaged value of the bit error probability, statistical averaging over the initial phases is necessary. The developed technique makes it possible to qualitatively or conditionally quantify the effects of linearly frequency-manipulated interference on the reliability of transmitted information in the radio channel when the interference frequency is shifted.


differential (relative) phase manipulation, incoherent reception, two-clock processing, linear-frequency modulated interference, noise immunity


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