Integer GLONASS phase ambiguity estimation methods

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-16


Baburin A. A.

Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia



The article considers integer estimator methods for GLONASS phase ambiguities necessary in the problems of high accuracy absolute and relative positioning for GLONASS signals measurement with integer ambiguity resolution. Accounting for the integer properties of pseudo-phase ambiguities allows significant reduction in solution convergence time up to the centimeter accuracy level. With a view to frequency division of satellites signals, adopted for GLONASS signals, two problems arise while solving the problems high-precise positioning. They are the difference in the hardware delays of the receiver while measuring pseudo-distances of various GLONASS satellites, and the difference between wavelengths of the signals carrier frequency of various GLONASS satellites. These specifics do not allow integer estimation of the GLONASS pseudo-phase ambiguities. Thus, the known methods developed for the systems with code division, such as GPS, cannot be employed for GLONASS. The presented article deals with the second said problem. Two methods of strict and non-strict integer estimation based on solution of the uncertain system of the linear equations by the S-transform theory are being suggested. The strict integer method is based on integer unimodular transformto the system of linear equations prior to its solution, and does not require the presence of GLONASS satellites with neighboring characters in the visibility zone of the receiver. The non-strict method is simpler in application, but integer estimations may be obtained only observing certain conditions. Conditions at which the difference from the integers may be neglected with the non-strict estimation were analyzed. Both strict and non-strict methods do not require engaging direct measurements of pseudo-distances and pseudo-phases processing. Linear approximation of the receiver phase-frequency characteristic is being used for the pseudo-phase measurements model (linear dependence of the phase delays on the frequency in the receiver is being accepted). The analysis is being conducted on the example of the first differences of real navigation receivers of the IGS network processing, which confirms correctness of the suggested methods and adequacy of the mathematical models being used to the real measurements.


GLONASS, integer ambiguity resolution, carrier phase measurements


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