Calculation of the effective scattering surface of small-sized aerial objects

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-130-17


Novikov A. N.*, Khorchev V. A.**

Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Troops named after Peter the Great, SRTMA, 8, Karbysheva str., Balashikha, Moscow region, 143900, Russia



When synthesizing algorithms for detecting and recognizing small-sized aerial objects (SSAO), it becomes necessary to calculate their effective scattering surface (ESS). Small-sized aerial objects, such as light unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), UAVs with an electric motor, created according to the format of a flying wing, artisanal UAVs, etc. in recent years have become a threat that poses a danger to civilian and military facilities [1].

Considering that ESS is included in the radar range equation [2], its analytical calculation for the SSAO will allow determining the minimum range at which air objects can be detected by radio monitoring posts. As a result, the early detection of such aircraft will ensure the timely issuance of target designations to firing means for subsequent decision-making on the destruction of the SSAO.

The article deals with the calculation of the RCS of simple objects and objects of complex shape. It has been established that the RCS of objects of complex shape, which include small-sized air objects, can be calculated analytically. The result of the article is a method for calculating the RCS of the SSAO, which involves the use of the RCS values of individual triangles obtained in the process of approximating the object under study in the modeling environment to calculate the resulting RCS.

The article also presents the results of mathematical modeling obtained using the program «Altair Feko», backscattering diagrams of the UAV at different angles of incidence of an electromagnetic wave. As a result, it was found that the backscattering diagram will take maximum values at normal incidence of an electromagnetic wave, and decreases with a change in the angle of exposure of the object under study, respectively.


effective scattering surface, small-sized air object, analytical calculation, elementary triangles


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