Formation of three-dimensional terrain models based on lidar survey to identify structural changes in the earth's surface

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-131-15


Nenashev V. A.*, Afanasyeva V. I., Zalishchuk A. A., Grigorov M. Y., Morozov A. V.

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia



As of today, development of high-precision digital terrain model based on data of the small-sized onboard laser system for environmental state control is an up-to-date task. Detection of temporal changes in the landscapes of the controlled zones in dynamics may relate to such tasks. In this case, plotting the high-accuracy 3D-models of the terrain may be accomplished by the data of the small-sized onboard laser system, collected in the current time instant with the archive data free from the current changes. The multi-temporal digital models plotting of the terrain allows rather distinctly outline season changes, such as fire zones detection, the size of the coast brim size of rivers, lakes and other impoundments, as well as the scales of the swamp terrain forming, ice melting, snow covers and other temporal changes. Such approach employing for highly-precise digital terrain model separated by time based on complex procession of the initial laser data collected from small UAVs is applicable for the purpose of environmental control, particularly for revealing structural changes of the various themes registered objects, which is an important and up-to-data task, particularly for various structures accomplishing search-and-rescue operations, including the ice situation determining, as well as under Arctic conditions. The purpose of the presented work consists in conducting the experiment on the UAV application with the small-sized onboard laser system installed on it for obtaining lidar terrain data, which afterwards would be converted into 3D terrain models and employed for the environmental situation control of the definite sector of the Earth surface. The article considers an example of application of the 3D terrain model, created with the lidar data, to compare two terrain models created according to the same route assignment with the one-week interval. The data on the structural difference of the Earth surface models taken off at the different time instants, which can be applied for studying the environmental situation of the registered section of the Earth surface were obtained. The results of the study may be employed while modernization of the conventional systems and development of the prospective systems for the environmental situation control of the certain section iiof the Earth surface.


on-board laser system, BLS, UAVs, three-dimensional models, laser scanning, environmental monitoring


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