Influence of the ratio of the components of the initial deformations on the distribution of the residual stresses in the strengthened layer of the part


Sazanov V. P.*, Pavlov V. F.**, Pismarov A. V.***, Matveeva K. F.****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The article presents the results of studies nce of the of initial deformations anisotropy effect on the axial, circumferential and radial distribution components of residual stresses in the hardened layer of cylindrical samples, depending on the type of surface hardening. Parameters in the hardened layer of cylindrical samples from the steel 45 after hydraulic shot blasting were assumed as the basic option for computations. The ratios between the components of the initial strains were being accepted depending on the types of surface hardening. Their ratios were being considered at chemical-thermal treatment (CTT), hydraulic shot blasting (HSB), and roller running (RR). Computations were performed on finite element models of smooth cylindrical samples with diameters of D = 10 mm and D = 25 mm. The initial deformations distributions over the hardened layer thickness are assumed to vary according to a linear law (the maximum value on the surface and the zero one at the maximum hardening depth). The necessary for the studies volume of computations was performed in the environment of the PATRAN/NASTRAN software package. Cylindrical samples modeling was performed in an axisymmetric formulation of the problem with the initial deformations replacement by the respective temperature fields. The results of the tests revealed that with all types of hardening radial stresses had positive values over the hardened layer thickness. Both radial and axial components of the initial deformations do not affect significantly herewith the residual stresses over the hardened layer thickness. Hence, the components ratio of the initial deformations does not as well play a significant role in assessing the effect of the residual stress-strain state on the endurance limit of hardened parts, which is determined, for example, by the mean integral residual stresses criterion.


initial deformations, residual stresses, finite element modeling, surface hardening, chemical-thermal treatment, shot blasting, roller rolling, mean integral residual stresses


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