Investigation of jet-centrifugal nozzle of sprinkler system by computational experiment with consideration of mathematical model of medium dispersibility


Basharina T. A.*, Shmatov D. P.**, Glebov S. E.***, Akolzin I. V.****

LLC SPE "InterPolaris", Novovoronezh, Russia



Sprinkler systems of nuclear power plants (NPP) are one of the key mechanisms for eliminating the consequences of design basis accidents, which stipulates high requirements for the development of nozzles as parts of sprinkler systems. The article presents the results of computational experiment of sprinkler nozzle functioning in the continuous medium formulation, employing Continuous medium morphology and Dispersed medium morphology. Average sizes of dispersed particles were determined for the computational experiment in the formulation with regard to the medium dispersity. The basic parameter of the sprinkler nozzle, namely the angle of the torch atomization, was determined on the experiment in the wide range of the flow characteristic. The computational experiment results validation and research tests of the sprinkler nozzle was performed, which results revealed the high degree of uncertainty in the continuous medium formulation, with relative error reaching up to 25%, and high degree of certainty with the dispersive medium formulation with relative error less that 3% in each experimental point. The above said is indicative of the possibility of cost reduction on the sprinkler system and test rig development by natural tests replacing with the computational experiment.


sprinkler nozzle, numerical simulation, spray angle, hydraulic tests, localizing safety system


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