Determination of the inclination angle of unprepared landing pad of unmanned aerial vehicle helicopter with a digital elevation map information


Ermakov P. G.1*, Evdokimenkov V. N.2**, Gogolev A. A.1***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



In the process of the target mission an emergency may occur on the helicopter type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) board. So, the problem of an emergency landing of the helicopter type UAV on an unprepared landing pad arises. One of the requirements for an unprepared landing pad is the requirement for a limit value of the inclination angle of a landing pad. The inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad should be no more than 10 based on this requirement. This article describes the problem of a determination of the inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad of the helicopter type UAV with a priori digital elevation map information (DEM). A DEM has such information as: geographic latitude and longitude coordinates of the Earth’s surface point, a height of the point of interest and a type of the Earth’s surface point. Also, a DEM contains random errors, so a determination of the inclination angle is a statistical problem. The description of the developed technique and the proposed optimal algorithm of a determination of the inclination angle with a priori digital elevation map is given. To test the performance of the developed technique of a determination of the inclination angle with a DEM the special software is constructed. The results of a simulation modelling of the proposed optimal algorithm of determination of the inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad such as: the statistical characteristics of the inclination angle’s estimation of an unprepared landing pad and the estimation of a time complexity of the proposed optimal algorithm of determination of the inclination angle are presented. The verification of the developed optimal algorithm of determination of the inclination angle of an unprepared landing pad with the SRTM open-source digital elevation map and the OpenStreetMap web mapping service is completed.


unprepared landing pad, digital elevation map, least squares method, Monte-Carlo method


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