Model of performing periodic maintenance at the complex with unmanned aerial vehicles

*, **Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
This article presents an approach to developing a model for performing periodic maintenance on unmanned aerial vehicle complexes. The active use of the complexes is accompanied by research aimed at improving the methods of use, increasing the tactical and technical characteristics, but not given issues of performing various type of maintenance, their modeling and evaluation, despite the existing contradictions in theory and practice. When organizing of periodic types of maintenance it is necessary to take into account a large number factors that can affect the timing and quality of work. Simulation modeling is one of the most effective tools for studying complex systems today. Imitation is a kind of means of reproducing phenomena, just as a model is an abstract description of a system, object, phenomenon or process. That is, modeling is such an abstract form of reflection of reality, in which certain properties of the proposed objects are represented in the form of an image, a diagram, a plan, or a complex of equations, algorithms and programs. The use of simulation modeling in many fields of activity has a number of undeniable advantages. Firstly, it is an experimental method of cognition, which is a simple and visual tool for analysis. It helps to find optimal solutions to problems and gives a clear idea of complex systems. The simulation model of the process of organization and performance of periodic maintenance of a complex with unmanned aerial vehicles is developed in Arena system, allowing to make rational decision on the selection of maintenance performers, to assess the workload of specialists, as well as to form requirements for a rational composition of the necessary maintenance tools.
model, unmanned aerial vehicle complex, operation, periodic maintenanceReferences
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