Issues of attenuation of the inter-electronic electromagnetic impact of the warring parties


Aliyeva A. J.1*, Huseynova M. V.2**, Gumbatov D. A.1***

1. National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan Republic, NASA, 1, Suleyman Sani Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1115, Azerbaijan Republic
2. Azerbaijan Technical University, 25, Hussein Javid prosp., Baku, 370073, Azerbaijan



As of today, the UAVs application covers both peaceful and military spheres of human activity, which highlights various tasks of their functioning optimization and modeling. The wide prevalence and development of theory and practice of the UAV group flights has naturally led to the solution of many issues on ensuring high efficiency of data transmission in the communication networks of the UAV group. In military conflicts, the struggle of the opposing sides often leads to collateral flights of various drones, in which drones of the opposing sides participate. The drone of one of the contending sides herewith may be tasked with silencing or disabling the drones of the opposing side. The purpose of the study is to determine the conditions for neutralizing the effects of powerful radio emission emanating from a special-purpose drone, which function consists in neutralizing drones of the other side. The authors considered a scheme, in which the second party to the conflict employs a drone carrying a powerful generator of silencing electromagnetic radiation of the same wavelength on which the drones of the first party operate to jam and neutralize the functioning of the drones of the first party. The case of radiation propagation along the line-of-sight trajectory is being considered. The condition justified by the necessity of the minimum possible deviation of the attacked drone from the originally set trajectory is determined. The problem of optimal retreat from the initially set trajectory of the attacked drone due to the effects of damping electromagnetic radiation was formulated and solved. The condition of achieving minimum impact of the damping electromagnetic radiation of the second party drone on the first party drone is determined.


radio emission, drone, jamming, line-of-sight trajectory, inter-drone interaction


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