Ergomonic, mounting, size requirments implementation while automatically arranging devices in compartments of rocket and space vehicles


Belyakov A. A.*, Shulepov A. I.**, Shesteryakov S. I., Prihodko V. I., Kabushev I. S., Prokopiev E. V., Muradov A. A.

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



The processes of the on-board equipment mounting involves a considerable amount of work to ensure the interchangeability of elements comprising the systems, as well as testing and fine-tuning their output parameters, which requires accounting for specific operating conditions, thermal, mechanical and other loads, starting from the stage of preliminary design (technical proposal).

Attention is paid herewith mainly to the mass-centering or thermal characteristics of the compartment, or the electromagnetic compatibility of the onboard equipment components. This approach is typical for the stages of a technical proposal development, and preliminary product design. But further, at the stage of working design documentation development (less often at the stage of technical project), a detailed study of the design for the layout of the compartment begins, leading to an increase in the importance of ergonomic, installation, overall requirements, especially for manned space vehicles. Ergonomic, mounting and overall requirements for the devices arrangement are interconnected since all of them refer to the same installation processes of the onboard equipment and its operation from different angles.

The dependence of mounting clearances on the design of fasteners on the masses of the installed devices was obtained based on statistical data. The method for assessing the onboard equipment belonging to a particular location zone has been proposed. Assessment of the anthropometric and physiological characteristics of the operator to control the ergonomic requirements meeting the devices layout occupies the central place in the study.

Calculation formula for correcting the electronic geometric models coordinates of the on-board equipment in the event of intersections with the structure was proposed. Testing was performed on the example of one of the large-sized manned spacecraft for scientific purposes. The role of electronic and material modeling was also noted to confirm the prototyping results. The software created in the course of the work is supposed to be employed in the development of design documentation at space engineering enterprises after extra updates to the algorithm.


instrument layout, on-board equipment, ergonomics, instrument installation, electronic geometric model of the product


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