Method for diagnosing an aircraft on-board equipment complex based on machine learning


Bukirev A. S.

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



The article presents an analysis of existing methods and control means employed onboard a modern aircraft. The author substantiates the necessity and possibility of increasing the depth of search for the failure location by the machine learning methods application, allowing automatically create and employ diagnostic models being difficult to formalize. A modified algorithm for the onboard equipment information-transforming elements diagnosing of was developed. The algorithm is based on machine learning through interaction with a multiplex information exchange channel, with a modification of the algorithm in terms of using a block for automatically assigning optimal training parameters, according to the criterion of ensuring its full autonomy (training without a teacher), due to preliminary analysis of the training sample for each information-transforming element. The article considers the problem of the external disturbing impacts effect on the result of the information-converting elements of onboard equipment diagnosing. To compensate for these impacts, a modified Kalman filter with automatic determining of optimal filtering parameters is applied for each information-transforming element, due to the training sample preliminary analysis. The developed algorithm combines the integration (ensembling) of the three machine-learning models, with the majority principle of generating at the output the control result of each information-transforming element using the “two out of three” method, to increase the control results reliability, as well as minimize the likelihood of first and second errors of the second kind when diagnosing. In this work, by information-converting elements the onboard equipment performing its functions through the multiplex information exchange channel is meant. The aircraft recovery time is expected herewith to be reduced by minimizing the time for the failure location searching, which will allow increasing the main complex indicator of the aircraft reliability, namely the availability factor.


Method for diagnosing an aircraft on-board equipment complex based on machine learning


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