Transformation of an automated information and control system for constructing system mathematical models of gas turbine engines in the form of digital twins


Kulikov G. G.1*, Rizvanov K. A.1**, Ivanov A. V.2, Shukaluk V. A.1

1. Ufa University of Science and Technology, 32, Zaki Walidi str., Ufa, 450076, Russia
2. Scientific-production enterprise Aerosila, 6, Zhdanov str., Stupino, Moscow region, 142800, Russia



The article studies the system technology application in the process of the of digital twins development for employing in the engine manufacturing industry. The authors define the basic requirements and specific features of creating digital twins, as well as consider a systemic-linguistic approach to the formal models forming of the subject area being studied. This approach allows ensuring the proper level of formalization in the process of creating digital twins of both real and virtual objects, while maintaining their cause-and-effect relationships. The authors consider as well the logic of digital twins representing in the space-time Minkowski coordinate system, with account for the cybernetic principle of their physical realizability. As an example of this methodology application, the authors present system models of meta-languages and system models of gas turbine engines (GTE), as objects of management and control, as well as a model for the GTE resources formation starting from the technical proposal stage for their development. Thus, the results of the analysis of enhancing of the systems engineering principles and methods efficiency while digital twins developing are presented.


system approach, category of dialectics, systems engineering, theory of categories, principle of causality, graphic-analytical metalanguages, technical resource of gas turbine engine, information gate system of gas turbine engine, neural network


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