On the mechanisms of buckling of modified composites with viscous fibers


Shavelkin D. S.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

e-mail: dshavelkin@inbox.ru


The presented work studies stability of modified composites with whiskerized fibers. The following problems are being solved within the framework of the study: the static problem of local loading and the problem of stability of layered cantilever rods made from the composites under study. When solving the static problem of local loading, a modified fiber composite, loaded by compressive forces along the fibers, which is accompanied by various fracturing mechanisms stipulated by the of the fibers bending, is being considered. It appeared that an interfacial layer with adjustable rigidity allowed, with the same volume fraction of reinforcing fibers (for a classical composite, the reinforcing element is fiber, and for the modified composite under consideration, a fiber with nanostructures grown on its surface) achieving significantly greater local stability, determining the characteristic type of micro-damage at compression. When solving the problem of stability of the rods made from the composites under study, layered rods with different laying patterns and different volumetric contents of inclusions were considered. Critical load factors were determined for each of the studied samples. An analysis of the influence of the volume content of the modified fiber on the minimum critical values of compressive stresses showed that the stability of the modified composite can be increased by more than 2 times compared to the stability of a similar classical composite. When studying the stability of layered cantilever rods, it turned out that modification of the fiber with a mustache makes it possible to increase the value of the critical load withstood by the rod by more than 1.9 times compared to the critical load withstood by a rod made of a classic fiber composite with the same volumetric content of inclusions for any of the considered schemes laying of reinforcing fibers.


composite material, Euler stability, local stability, effective properties, three-phase method


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