Computational and experimental research of the gas dynamic factors’ impact on the stochastic-statistical dispersion of particles in a two-phasr high-velocity flow


Abramov M. A.1, 2*, Arefiev K. Y.1, 2, Voronetsky A. V.2, Sarkisov A. V.2, Grishin I. M.1, Kruchkov S. V.1

1. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), 9, Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141701, Russia
2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia



The present study explores the gas-dynamic factors impact, specifically directed injection, on the empirical coefficients used to convert discrete particle trajectories into a locally continuous field of the dispersed phase flow intensity in supersonic turbulent two-phase flows. Statistical modeling is employed to develop a technique for the particle localization distribution evaluating, with account for the probabilistic nature of the trajectory deviations.

A discrete-continuous transformation method is applied by constructing a probability density function to evaluate the particle localization distribution. This technique assumes that the cluster velocity vector deviation from the section normal is negligible. By utilizing this probability density function, an equation is derived to convert discrete particle trajectories into a continuous field, approximating a two-dimensional normal distribution. The flow rate intensity, defined as the ratio of the particles mass flow to the unit area, is used to create a continuous field of particle flow intensity distribution. The basic trajectories of cluster motion are computed with the Lagrange-Euler method. A supersonic experimental setup for gas-dynamic spraying of coatings is employed to determine the the normal distribution value and examine the particles spatial localization.

The experimental data reveles that the acquired volumetric layer of sprayed condensed phase indicates the particle distribution structure in the cross-section of a high-speed two-phase flow.

The main findings of the study demonstrate that random factors significantly affect the particle distribution in the flow. The standard deviation of particle spatial localization ranges from 4.8 to 5.4 mm for a dispersed phase size of 15 to 40 μm in a supersonic flow, regardless of the presence or absence of a drifting flow.


two-phase flow, Lagrange-Euler method, probability density function, mean-square deviation, dispersed phase flow rate.


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