Mathematical modeling of digital methods for the formation of the amplitude-phase distribution of emitters in the x-band

1*, 1**, 2***, 2****1. Scientific Research Institute for Systems Research RAS, Moscow, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The use of multi-service on-board digital platforms and multi-beam antennas as part of the spacecraft will make it possible to implement high-speed direct communication between subscriber earth stations in the X-band. In this article the results of mathematical modeling of digital methods for the generation of the emitters amplitude-phase distribution (APD) in the X-band. The complex special feature is the digital processing of broadband information signals in the receiving and transmitting paths and digital methods for generating rays polar diagram (PD). The 16-channel receiving and transmitting sublattices (RTS), each consisting of 16 receiving and transmitting modules (PTM) combined with a single control unit, were used for the insurance of the specified technical requirements of the communication complex. For the transmission path there are two separate beams with independent amplitude-phase distributions of signals in the opening of each sublattice. For the receiving path there are also two separate beams with independent amplitude-phase distributions in the opening of each sublattice, and the diagram-forming circuits of the receiving beams in each module have common elements: low-noise amplifiers, mixers and intermediate frequency amplifiers, and the formation of beams for a given APD is carried out digitally after the ADC of the received signal on the second intermediate frequency. The generation of the signals’ amplitude-phase distribution in the opening of the sublattice for each of the two beams is carried out independently in the FPGA digitally at a low frequency of 15 MHz received from the reference frequency block. For each beam in the FPGA, a group of 16 phase divider counters is used with individual control of the offset of the counting sequence in each counter, necessary for the formation of a predetermined amplitude-phase distribution of ray signals in the opening of the sublattice. Digital phase control of the signals allows for strict phase binding to a single reference signal of the base frequency and eliminates the need for tuning elements that compensate for temperature instability, elements’ aging and other problems of analog and digital phase shifters. The mathematical model of the algorithm for generating a given APD of sublattice signals at a low frequency of 15 MHz in FPGAs was developed in the VHDL programming language. In the mathematical model structure, the diagram-forming scheme of the transmission path, the generation block of a given amplitude-phase distribution is represented by a developed user program. All other blocks of the mathematical model of the transmission path are designed without the user programs by directly using standard procedures and functions included in libraries. The simulation results verified the physical realizability of the receiving and transmitting sublattices in accordance with the specified functional schemes of the receiving and transmitting paths of the diagram-forming scheme.
radiation pattern, transmit-receive channels, amplitude-phase distributionReferences
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