
Dmitrievtsev A. Y.*, Zyryanov Y. T.**, Nuri A. N.***

Tambov State Technical University, 106, Sovetskaya, Tambov, 392000, Russia

*e-mail: Dmitrievcev978@gmail.com
**e-mail: zut-tmb@mail.ru
***e-mail: ayat_nzar@yahoo.com


The article presents an algorithm developed by the authors, intended for the measuring system, constructed on the annular phased antenna array (APAA), diagnosing. The said array employs micro-strip patches with exponential slot opening (Vivaldi emitter) as emitters, widely employed in radio-technical systems, aviation and rocket engineering. The main advantage of the emitters applied in APAA is the wide range of frequencies, in which this emitter is able to operate without changing its geometric dimensions. A simplified method of the APAA directional pattern mathematical calculation of is considered. This approach allows performing calculations without reliability reduction of the sought-for characteristics of the object being studied, but it does not consume herewith a large amount of computing resources of the equipment, on which computations are being performed, due to a decrease in the number of actions required for the computations. The main parameters diagnosing was being performed by high-frequency measuring equipment, which allows cconducting all necessary measurements, on which basis subsequent conclusions can be drawn. The results of the APAA measured parameters analysis were compared with the results of semi-natural modeling, which confirmed the developed approach operability. The obtained measurement results differ to a small extent from the simulation results in a special software package. The main advantage consists in the ability of analyzing the main parameters of the APAA being diagnosed in real time, as well as the ability for comparing them with the simulation results performed in the software package. Due to this control method prospectivity, the authors plan further improvement of the method by automating characterization of the object being diagnosed.


diagnostics of the measuring system, ring phased array antenna, complex of high-frequency equipment, microstrip emitters


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