Construction of trajectories of movement of people during radar sensing of premises through a wall

*,Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The premises probing radars are mainly applied for detecting people, determining their number, location and trajectory of movement indoors. As in conventional radar, human detection procedures are based on threshold signal processing methods and reduced to the primary target markers forming. Here, however, the specifics of the operation of wall-sensing radars are manifested, associated with the presence of strong interference noises indoors (due to the signals re-reflections from walls, floor, ceiling, furniture) and leading to origination of a large number of false targets and abnormal values of the measured coordinates of targets.
Under these conditions, traditional algorithms for constructing plottingt trajectories based on Kalman filtering methods require modifications that account fort the presence of abnormal measurements and allow obtaining smoothed target trajectories close to the true ones.
The purpose of the article consists in developing an algorithm to plot a smoothed trajectories of people moving indoors based on the results of primary target markings, in which the of target coordinates abnormal measurements impact will be completely compensated or significantly suppressed.
The developed algorithm is based on the Kalman filtering procedure for a limited sample of measurements applying a linear model of target movement and trajectory approximation by a piecewise polyline. The abnormal measurements elimination is achieved herewith by the median estimate of the trajectory parameters instead of the arithmetic mean one.
In the time interval, several marks about the position of the person are obtained. These marks are being approximated by a linear function with the least squares method. After that, averaging of the mark located on the approximated line is performed.
The article considers two options of averaging, namely by the arithmetic mean and by the median value. The trajectory of human movement is being modeled in the form of a curved line with abnormal emissions superimposed on it. Trajectory smoothing by the median value gives much fewer outliers than that by the arithmetic mean, about two fold.
Thus, the article describes a method for developing an algorithm for the smoothed target trajectory forming, in which, a median value is being used instead of the arithmetic mean averaged values of trajectory parameters.
Statistical modeling demonstrated that in the case of interference noises leading to the abnormal errors occurrence in measuring targets coordinates, the proposed method allows significantly reducing the value of the RMS error of the target approximating trajectory by 1.5–2.5 times. A pollution model was employed herewith to simulate interference with abnormal values.
Radar sensing of premises through a wall, a signal with stepwise frequency modulation, interperiodic information processing, estimation of the trajectory of human movement, interference noiseReferences
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