Simulation of backbone topologies of data transmission networks


Buzhin I. G.*, Antonova V. M.**, Mironov Y. B.***

Moscow Technical University of Communications And Informatics, 8a, Aviamotornaya Str., Moscow, 111024, Russia



The article provides a detailed description of simulation models of various topologies of data transmission networks in the Anylogic simulation environment. Simulation modeling is a research method in which the system under study is replaced by a model that describes the real system with sufficient accuracy (the constructed model describes the processes as they would take place in reality), with which experiments are conducted in order to obtain and accumulate information about this system. The article presents a model of a network node consisting of an input line card, a switching factory and an output line card. The input line card simulates a set of input ports of the device, the task of which is to receive the signal and transmit it for further processing. Each input port is modeled by a queue of requests and packet latency distributed exponentially at a rate equal to the speed of the real input port. The article also presents models of two different topologies of data transmission networks consisting of two edge routers and intermediate switches connected to each other in various ways. These backbone topologies do not take into account the detailed connection of subscriber devices to access switches, i.e. the total traffic load from various subscriber devices is supplied to one port of the backbone topology switches. Based on the developed simulation models of the data transmission network of various topologies, it is possible to calculate various characteristics of the quality of service with specified input parameters, which can be taken from the technical data sheets of network nodes. For example, numerical estimates can be obtained of the total probability of packet loss at each network node, the average probability of packet loss of the data transmission network, the probability of total losses across the entire data transmission network, the average packet delay time at the network node, the bandwidth factor at each network node. This will allow, at the design stage of the data transmission network, without field tests, to choose the most optimal topology of the data transmission network, as well as specific models of network equipment for the required level of service quality.


network node, simulation, probability of packet loss, average packet delay time

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