Flight simulation of the «object—controlled gliding parachute» system, taking into account the terrain and wind effects


Bebeshko A. 1*, Ivanov P. 2**

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Research Institute of Aeroelastic Systems, 85, Garnaeva str, Feodosia, Crimea Republic, 298112, Russia

*e-mail: bebeshko-2003@mail.ru
**e-mail: Ivanovpetr@rambler.ru


Navigation and guidance of the object-guided gliding parachute (GGP) system on the target is an important task in the theory and practice of guided gliding parachute systems. The problematic part of the task is navigation and guidance in automatic mode under conditions of rugged terrain and complex wind situation in the guidance zone. The presented article deals with the results of developing and studying of a mathematical model for aiming the object-controlled gliding parachute system  at a target in automatic mode with account for the terrain and the effect of the wind impact. In continuation and development of the earlier accomplished work published in the previous issue, this article considers construction of a mathematical model for the case of flying over a number of obstacles (mountains) with landing behind the final obstacle at a given point on the surface at the stage of the long-range guidance with account for the wind. Solution of this task of automatic guidance is being performed along with the two intermediate tasks solving, which represent construction of a terrain model and the construction of aerodynamic zones shading from the wind exposure behind the obstacles when building a flight route under complex terrain conditions. The analysis of the wind effect on the flight path of the object-controlled gliding parachute system is performed. The article describes in detail the methodology of the flight simulation process of the object- GGP system with account for the terrain and wind effects, which consists in the following. 1. In the beiginning, according to the terrain map, a relief model is built in horizontal and vertical projections in the form of simple geometric shapes – families of concentric ellipses in horizontal projection and trapezoids (or rectangles) in vertical. For this purpose, two blocks reproducing horizontal and vertical projections of the terrain model are integrated into the UPRPOL program, specially developed according to the methodology of the modeling process. 2. Further, in accordance with the terrain map, the flight route is being laid (horizontal projection of the flight path) in the absence of wind, based on the conditions for ensuring maximum route safety or when choosing other strategies. The flight route is divided into sections consisting of rectilinear segments with a predetermined course and flight time t(i) and U-turns, with a predetermined radius (R) and duration Δt(i) determined by the period (T) and the required heading angle (ψ) of exit to the next section of a rectilinear flight. 3. According to the specified times t(i), using the results of ballistic computations of the system trajectory obtained by solving a system of six differential equations, control points and their corresponding coordinates of the moments of the system flight course changing being are determined.
4. The most probable direction and magnitude of the wind are being determined. A family of wind lines is being built, i.e. tangents to the lower lines of the obstacle level. The horizontal coordinates of the touch points for each obstacle (vertex) are being computed. The boundaries of the aerodynamic shadow zones for each obstacle are being determined, which allows additional changing the system's course angle the when entering and exiting the aerodynamic shadow zones.5. Then the time dependence of the course angles of the system is being plotted for each section of the route, ensuring a given flight route with account for the wind. The law of the course angle changing in time with regard to the effect of the wind impact and zones of aerodynamic shading behind obstacles, allows already direct assigning a cyclogram of the flight control lines of the object-UPP system in time to the onboard time-software automaton. As an example, the article considered the task of bringing the object-UPP system to the target point for a concrete flight mass of the object. The analysis was performed and all possible cases of flight of the object-UPP system with all possible options of outcomes were determined. The laws of of the ballistic parameters changes presented in the graphs give a complete picture of the nature of the object-SCP system movement in the controlled descent mode. The trajectory ballistic parameters of the object-UPP system for both oncoming and tailwind allow to evaluating the system flight dynamics. The analysis of the difference in flight control cyclograms with different winds revealed that in the case of a tailwind, the control actions have a fairly short, sharp character, which leaves little time to make the right decisions, while in the case of a headwind, the control actions have a fairly long, smooth character. As the result of the conducted research, a methodology and a program (the UPRPOL application software) have been developed to simulate the flight of the object-UPP system along the selected route with account for the terrain and wind effects in automatic mode, without radio exchange with external stations. The program and methodology allow: – correctly selecting the landing height and determining the course of the carrier necessary for dropping the object-UPP system to bring subsequently the system to the landing point with regard to the terrain and the effect of wind; – exploring a variety of trajectory options and selecting the optimal ones according to the criteria of the minimum time to reaching the goal, the minimum possible distance of the landing point from the target, and building the most reliable, safe trajectory; –determining the maximum permissible (critical) values of wind speeds and angles, exceeding which under conditions of a given terrain will not allow achieving the goal, and, thus, makes it impossible to land the object-UPP system from a given point in space and requires searching for another point that ensures the effectiveness of the landing. The article indicates as well that there is a need for its improvement and presents the tasks that need to be solved for its further improvement.


navigation and guidance, object-guided gliding parachute system


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