Design of Real-time nspection System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Power Assemblies.


Xin M. 1*, Ye Z. 1, Qin H. 2, Deng Z. 1, Pei M. 1, Zhou A. 1, Xu F. 1

1. Nanjing Univ Aeronaut & Astronaut, Nanjing, China
2. Harbin Institute of Technology, Suzhou, China



Although drones are not a new type of equipment, their advantages in application are very significant, and they can accomplish many dangerous and difficult operations. This type of equipment has been widely used in various fields, both in the military field and the civil field, with excellent performance, reflecting high application value. However, in the absence of engineers and technicians to accompany the situation, especially in the event of failure, there will be a very passive situation. The maintenance of such equipment is of great significance, and the safeguarding of the engine, as the core power component of the UAV, is even more important. Therefore, it is necessary to use advanced technology to monitor the power system in real-time, predict the occurrence of failures, and repair them beforehand, to keep the equipment in good condition. By using LABVIEW2022, combined with various algorithms of time-frequency analysis technology, this research team develops a corresponding vibration signal analysis tool to realize the study of signals and fault identification. We have developed a wireless signal fidelity transmission system based on a variety of technologies to realize effective transmission of engine vibration signals over various distances. By combining the above signal analysis tools and transmission systems, the state monitoring and analysis of the UAV power system at various distances was finally realized. The performance parameters and indexes of the equipment are in line with the needs of engineering applications, which can effectively solve the problems of research on the engine system of unmanned aircraft. Many experiments have proved that the study of engine vibration signals carried by UAVs is a simple and intuitive detection method, and the combination of high-performance vibration sensors, high-fidelity transmission devices, and powerful analysis systems can realize the above application goals.


UAV, powertrain, Real-time non-destructive testing


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