Methodology for identifying the moment time of change in state of a manned spacecraft during operational analysis


Lebedeva N. V.*, Solovyov S. **

S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation «Energia», 4A Lenin Street, Korolev, Moscow area, 141070, Russia



The article considers a technique for identifying trends in changing the value of a parameter during the operational assessment of the state of a manned spacecraft. Flights into space with a person on board must be as safe as possible. The manned spacecraft is operated for six months. During this time, gradual degradation of on-board systems occurs. It is important to notice trends towards failure in time. The space flight control process of the spacecraft is carried out in real time and includes a prompt assessment of the state of the spacecraft in order to control the process of implementing the flight program.
A mathematical apparatus has been proposed that allows one to move from absolute values of telemetry information to a multi-parameter form. Typical cases of the dynamic state of on-board systems of manned spacecraft are considered. In the process of analyzing the state of the on-board systems of a manned spacecraft, a change in characteristics occurs. Preliminary analysis is necessary to determine statistical characteristics for further use in time series analysis. The solution of a decisive function presupposes the arrival of a moment in time when a “discord” began and a transition occurred from one type of decisive function to another type. The article provides criteria that allow us to determine the period in which a manned spacecraft operates. Division into periods influences the formation of the decisive function. The proposed method allows you to automate the process of operational assessment in terms of identifying the time of change in the behavior of value trends.


operational analysis, manned spacecraft, trends, discord, on-board systems


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