Express method for assessing the condition of aircraft honey-comb structures after impact


Kuznetsov S. V.*, Mamonov A. V.**, Rusakov D. Y.***, Chernushin V. A.****

Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise «Technologiya» named after A.G. Romashin, 249031, Russian Federation, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Kyiv highway, 15



The conditions of the modern aviation industry market place extremely high demands on the reliability of structures, especially for civil purposes. However, a high level of product quality is not enough to ensure flight safety. During operation, honeycomb structures made of polymer composite materials (PCM), used in particular for sound absorption of noise emitted by an aircraft engine, experience significant loads of various types: vibration, static, dynamic, shock. Of all the listed types of loads, shock ones are the most unpredictable.


non-destructive testing, polymer composite materials, honeycomb structures, visual inspection, impedance method


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