Study of weak shock waves in the nose of bodies with an anterior disruption zone

, *Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
A comprehensive numerical analysis of the supersonic flow over a cylindrical body with a needle, utilizing the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method, has been conducted. The study meticulously examines both numerical and experimental data, revealing a refined structure of the return flow within the recirculation zone for a body with a forward disruption zone. The implementation of the LES method has significantly enhanced the agreement between modeling results and experimental data across the entire flow region.
This research focuses on the supersonic flow around a stepped body with an axisymmetric front disruption zone. The flow conditions are characterized by an adiabatic index at Mach number M∞ = 4.2 and temperature T∞ = 283 K. Adherence and isothermal conditions are maintained on the surface of the streamlined body.
For the validation of the numerical LES model, experimental data obtained from a supersonic wind tunnel were utilized. The experiment was conducted with M∞ = 4.2 and temperature T∞ = 283 K, 0-degree angle between the body axis and the normal of the impinging flow, and air as the working gas. The object of study was a stepped body with a front disruption zone characterized by L/D = 1.4.
In comparing the numerical and experimental results of the gas dynamic parameters near the body at supersonic speeds, geometric and dynamic similarity criteria were employed, particularly concerning the Mach number M∞ for unperturbed flow. The results demonstrate a high degree of agreement, indicating reliable consistency between the numerical and experimental data. The comparison of shadow patterns of body flow (both calculated and experimental) further corroborates this correlation.
The investigation led to a detailed understanding of the return flow structure in the recirculation zone for a body with a front disruption zone. The analysis of LES method results for resolving vortex structures within the recirculation zone demonstrated high accuracy in capturing the dynamically changing processes. The application of the LES method yielded modeling results that were highly consistent with experimental data across the entire flow region, with a discrepancy in values of approximately Δp≈10.2%. This high level of agreement supports the use of the LES method in determining the aerodynamic characteristics of engineered objects within the specified range of Mach numbers M∞
supersonic flow, large eddy sumulations, experimental studiesReferences
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