Technique perfection of the exhaust mixer representation in the turbofan mathematical model the with additional computational and experimental data using


Ezrokhi Y. A.*, Kalenskii S. M.**

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia



In the presented article the basic problems of the exhaust mixer (EM) representation in mathematical models (MM) of turbofan with the common nozzle (TFEmix) are considered. The analysis of the standard approach to modeling the EM which is based on a full mixing assumption are given. Shortcomings of such way representation of mixing process of the core and by-pass flows in EM are shown.
The new approach to formation of the EM mathematical model with additional computational and experimental data using is offered.
Perfection of the mixer MM is offered to execute in three directions:
the «gas-dynamic» areas of the core and by-pass contours exit FII and FI should be
-additional total pressure losses of the "mixed" stream σadd should be introduced;
-"incompleteness" of the streams mixing on the EM should be estimated.
In the first direction of EM mathematical model perfection the ratio of the exit areas on FII/FI similar to the real engine is set. From the equation of the consumption the total area on an input in mixing device Fsum is determined. Then each of the areas on an input in the mixer on known Fsum and FII/FI is determined.
For realization of the second direction of MM EM perfection it is necessary to make computational and experimental researches to determine "additional" full pressure losses of the "mixed" stream σadd on various modes. Value of these losses should be presented in the form of the attitude to the reduced velocity λmix on an exit from the mixer σadd =f(λmix). On value of "additional" losses σadd it is necessary to correct for value of full pressure р*mix received as a result of calculation of "ideal" mixing.
In the third direction of the MM EM perfection it is used systems of the equations of streams, describing incomplete mixing. For maintenance of conformity between quantity of the equations and required values it is required to determine two parameters in addition. These parameters are shares of consumptions of streams participating in mixing from acted on input EM. Values of the given parameters can be received computational by on more complex 3D to models of the mixing device.
It is in summary noted, that application of the offered approaches to calculation EM will allow to reflect more precisely working process and to receive with the TFEmix parameters.


mathematical model of the engine, mixing device, mixing of gas streams


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