Method for calculating the turnaround time for the first stage boosters
*, , ,Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Currently, the main participants in space activities are taking active steps to develop and operate reusable space systems. As a result of the reuse, the specific cost of launching a payload into target orbits is significantly reduced, and the overall time for production and preparation for launch is also reduced. The article examines the statistics of re-launches of return units of reusable Falcon 9 FT launch vehicles. The turnaround time dynamics of the first stage boosters for subsequent launches is shown. A method is proposed for calculating the preparation time of return rocket units for re-launches based on the Student t-distribution using the Euler gamma function. Validation of the calculations of time intervals using the proposed method with the available statistical data is carried out. The discrepancy between the calculation results and real data is within the statistical error.
Data analysis shows that over the period 2021-2023, SpaceX has almost halved the turnaround time. This is due to the following factors:
– a significant increase in production capacity for components and assemblies necessary to replace the components of returned units the reusable units;
– increasing the reliability of the structures of the first stage booster and, as a consequence, minimizing the volume of maintenance and repair work;
– application of the latest and improvement of existing technologies in scheduled maintenance actions in preparation for subsequent launches.
Method for calculating the retire time for the first stage boosters will make it possible to predict the capabilities of space participants using reusable rocket launchers to deploy, build up and replenish orbital constellations. The presented method can be used in the development of methods, models, algorithms for estimating the preparation turnaround time, as well as in assessing the effectiveness of using reusable launch vehicles of various classes according to their intended purpose.
launch vehicle, subsequent launch, first stage booster, turnaround time, dynamics, time interval, gamma functionReferences
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