Statistical data processing of on-board navigation systems of the umanned aerial vehicle helicopter type during landing


Ermakov P. G.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Today, the problem of an accuracy landing of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) helicopter type using a strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) based on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) arises. It is proposed to use a laser altimeter as a SINS based on MEMS corrector to satisfy international civil aviation organization’s (ICAO) requirement for accuracy category III. This sensor uses infrared light to target an object and calculates the time it takes for the returned light. However, a laser altimeter contains abnormal altitude values, so this requires additional procedure to solve this problem. In paper describes the algorithm based on the UAV’s helicopter type climb rate to overcome this task. The description of the proposed optimal algorithm of determination of the UAV’s helicopter type altitude based on Kalman filter is given. It’s proposed to carry out the correction of the UAV’s navigation parameters not only when synchronizing navigation systems as in the implementation of the traditional loosely coupled integration scheme but also when the following condition is satisfied – the absolute value of the UAV helicopter type altitude difference according to a laser altimeter data must not exceed the threshold depending on the UAV’s rate of climb. To test the performance of the proposed algorithm the special software is constructed. The verification of the developed algorithm support of the vertical channel of the onboard integrated navigation system of the UAV helicopter type is completed. The value of probability of the UAV’s helicopter type altitude error in interval of 30 cm (ICAO category III) greater than 95% based on simulation modelling of the proposed algorithm support of the vertical channel of the onboard integrated navigation system based on field experiments of the UAV helicopter type during landing process.


MEMS-based strapdown inertial navigation system, laser altimeter, Kalman filter


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