Algorithm for synchronous generation of key information based on the characteristics of the communication channel between mobile radio devices


Bakhtin A. A.*, Dymnikov V. V.**, Baskakov A. E.***

National Research University of Electronic Technology, 1, sq. Shokina, Moscow, Zelenograd, 124498, Russia



Today, cryptographic protocols based on symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms are usually used to protect information in a radio network. Such security methods are associated with the need to implement a key management and distribution system.
This paper discusses an alternative approach to key information distribution for symmetric cryptographic algorithms, currently under study, available to mobile radio facilities sharing a radio channel. The paper presents the operating principle of the algorithm for synchronous and symmetric generation of key information based on the state of the radio channel between radio facilities, as well as a specific implementation of the algorithm and the results of its field tests. The algorithm presented in the paper differs from those presented in the literature in that it has a better entropy of the resulting sequence for generating key information.
In this paper, we will consider a method for synchronous generation of key information based on the use of the time dynamics of the average received signal strength (RSSI). The choice is justified by the fact that this is a universal characteristic supported by most receivers. To measure it, two transceivers operating in a half-duplex mode with time division are sufficient, and the presence of a system with multiple antennas is not necessary.
The considered algorithm allows synchronous formation of a sequence on a pair of nodes connected by a radio communication channel, which depends on the characteristics of the radio channel - in this case, the average energy level of the received radio signal. The algorithm has good entropy indicators of the sequence being formed. The conducted full-scale tests show that the entropy of the sequence formed by the algorithm is practically independent of the type of radio path, however, radio paths with a low level of Rayleigh fading lead to a longer operation of the algorithm to form a sequence of identical length.
The conducted full-scale tests show the fundamental possibility of using algorithms of this type for the formation and simultaneous distribution of key information between land mobile radio communication facilities operating in the UHF and SHF wavelength ranges. In turn, with the increase in the frequency of use of wireless communication channels, as well as the increase in the value of information circulating in such channels and the technical capabilities of intruders, the relevance of searching for and studying new approaches to solving the classical problem of distributing key information is constantly increasing.


random sequences, Rayleigh multipath channel, small-scale fading


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