Computational optimization of the gas turbine engine the combustion chamber design to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions


Mitrofanova Y. A.*, Kazimardanov M. G.**, Sipatov A. M.

"UEC-Aviadvigatel"JSC, 93, Komsomolsky Prospect, Perm, 614990, Russia



The paper presents a study whose main goal is to reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides by improving the working process in the combustion chamber using calculated optimization of flame tube designs.
A Favre-averaged system of Navier-Stokes balance equations was adopted to describe the combustion process of an air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. The system was closed by a two-parameter k-ep turbulence model. A combined EDM/FRC combustion model was used to find the rate of formation/destruction of the components of the mixture. Chemical kinetics was modeled using the WGS model of methane oxidation by air. The process of formation of nitrogen oxides was described by the high-temperature Zeldovich mechanism without PDF. The averaged system of Navier-Stokes balance equations was solved numerically by the control-volume finite element method.
Before setting up the mathematical model and calculated optimization, the geometric model was refined based on the results of three-dimensional numerical modeling of the experiment to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the elements of the combustion chamber. Comparison of the numerical and experimental pressure fall in the combustion chamber showed a good correspondence between the actual design and the drawing.
The identification of the mathematical model of the working process in the combustion chamber was carried out in three modes of operation of the gas turbine engine and for two designs of fire pipes: a variant with spark plugs and a variant without a spark plug. The control parameters were selected: turbulent Prandtl number, turbulent Schmidt number and EDM model coefficient, which limits the speed of mixing components in the model.
The reduction of nitrogen oxide formation at the combustion chamber outlet was achieved by changing the size, number and location of the main openings while maintaining their total area. The non-spark plug and spark plug fire tubes were finished separately from each other. Optimization was carried out at the nominal operating mode of the gas turbine engine. As a result of optimization, the numerical value of nitrogen oxide emissions decreased by 21.18% for the case without a spark plug and by 17.14% with spark plugs.


gas fuel combustion, gas turbine engine, computational optimization, nitrogen oxides


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