Features of the aviation GTE mathematical modelling of starting

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranov, CIAM, 2, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111116, Russia
e-mail: yaezrokhi@ciam.ru
The engine mathematical modelling is the important tools applied at all stages of the aviation gas turbine engine (GTE) life cycle. Application of the engine mathematical models (EММ) at the earliest stages of its designing allows most reasonably to choose rational technical constructive species and area of GTE design parameters, thereby it is essential to reduce expenses for its creation.
Validity of decision-making at such choice substantially depends both on potential possibilities ("resolution") EММ, and from its accuracy and adequacy of received settlement results. Last circumstance is almost completely defined by accuracy of the task of the initial data at modelling and, first of all, put characteristics of the basic engine units. This problem especially becomes aggravated, if the modelling of working process on operating mode, which considerable differ from the nominal modes, is considered. The launch starting and in-flight starting modes are the such modes.
To main parameters of the engine, defining its dynamic properties, are: dimension of the engine (trust or air flow), bypass ratio, gas temperature in front of the turbine, total pressure ratio in the compressor, a stability margin of the compressor, and also the moment of inertia of its rotors. The starting arrangement, basically, is characterized by the maximum value of capacity or a twisting moment on a shaft, and also character of change of this parameter on the shaft rotation speed.
Adequate mathematical modelling of the real processes occurring at GTE starting, is enough intricate problem. Basically it is connected by that at GTE starting the operating modes of all engine units are in the area far leaving for area of nominal characteristics. For this reason in this area of the characteristic of engine units and its elements (both experimental, and settlement) usually are absent. In this connection for their reception it is required carrying out special 3D calculations of the basic engine units on low and ultralow speed modes, or introduction of some the assumptions allowing in special way to extrapolate available characteristic of engine units and elements in area of modes of their work, corresponding to starting process.
On an example of the compressor it is shown a technique of extrapolation of characteristics of the engine units in area of low and ultralow speed modes. The development of Sexton's method, which based on the similarity laws, is used for this purpose. The technique of an estimation of the engine rotors polar moment of inertia on early a stage of its designing is presented. It is described features of aviation GTE mathematical modelling on low transitive modes, appropriated for process of its starting.
mathematical modelling, gas turbine engine, starting process, polar moment of inertiaReferences
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