Functional control system of the spacecraft ground control complexes
*, **, ***Central Research Institute of Machine Building, TSNIIMash, 4, Pionerskaya str., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia
The article presents the purpose and main tasks of functional monitoring of spacecraft control facilities. The existing universal software products for monitoring the condition and functioning of software and hardware of computing and telecommunication equipment are assessed, their advantages and disadvantages are reflected in terms of implementing functional monitoring tasks. The need for development and implementation of specialized systems for functional monitoring of software and hardware is substantiated. A description of the developed system for functional monitoring of the telemetry information computing complex is provided. This system allows for real-time integrated monitoring of the technical condition and correct functioning of software and hardware complexes of the flight control center, as well as the facilities interacting with it: the sector of the chief designer of spacecraft, command and measurement stations of the ground control complex and individual devices of spacecraft. A three-level architecture of the functional monitoring system implemented on the basis of the telemetry information computing complex of the MCC of the Russian segment of the International Space Station is presented. The procedure for collecting, processing, storing and presenting functional monitoring information; the types of functional monitoring implemented in the system, the composition of the generated diagnostic information and the main information flows are described. The description of user interaction with the system is given: types of display forms based on interactive mnemonic diagrams and display forms, indication of the functional state of controlled software and hardware and information exchange channels. The results of trial operation of the system for functional control of the telemetric information and computing complex are given, an example of analysis of an emergency situation that occurred using the system is given. In conclusion, proposals are given for further development and implementation of the developed system.
functional control, information and computing complex, telemetry information, collection, processing, display, mnemonic diagramReferences
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