Differentiation of functionals on a trajectory of compound dynamic system

Space technics and technology


Kasmerchuk P. V.

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia

e-mail: pavel.kazmerchuk@gmail.com


In work parities for calculation of Freshe’s derivatives in a case of a general functionals, defined on a trajectory of compound dynamic system are received. The received parities allow to reduce essentially computing expenses for a finding of the specified derivatives in problems of optimization of trajectories (which gravity assist maneuvers can contain) spacecrafts (SC) with the low thrust, characterized by of a high dimension control vector produced by approximation of initial continuous control. Correctness of the received parities proves to be true comparison with a numerical method of calculation of the specified derivatives.


Compound dynamic system; low thrust; mixed functional; differentiation; Freshe’s derivative.


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